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The Journal

Carefully curated to nurture your well-being.

Mindset, Lifestyle Teodora Robinson Mindset, Lifestyle Teodora Robinson

The Stress Continuum: How to Identify The Difference Between Actual and Perceived Stress

We’re all familiar with stress. In our daily lives, stress is often an unwelcome companion, affecting our bodies and minds in various ways. But did you know that not all stress is the same? Understanding the difference between actual, tangible stress and its perceived counterpart can profoundly impact how we manage our well-being.

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Wellness, Lifestyle Teodora Robinson Wellness, Lifestyle Teodora Robinson

The Sleep Checklist: A Holistic Approach

One of the easiest ways to improve our overall wellness is by improving the quality of our sleep. From the length of time asleep to the entire day leading up to bedtime, we can make intentional changes that will positively impact our sleep and overall well-being. This sleep checklist will delve into the dos and don’ts that can significantly alter the quality of your sleep.

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Wellness, Lifestyle Teodora Robinson Wellness, Lifestyle Teodora Robinson

Manifestations of a Dysregulated Nervous System

We’ve all been there–feeling that subtle niggle in the neck, an occasional eye twitch, or an unexplained heaviness in the chest. Those restless nights where sleep seems elusive, and even when it graces us, we wake up tired and not quite ourselves. It’s more than just daily stress; it’s the manifestations of a dysregulated nervous system, echoing weeks, months, or even years of hyper-awareness, leaving us stuck in a perpetual fight-or-flight mode. So, what can we do about it?

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Wellness, Lifestyle Teodora Robinson Wellness, Lifestyle Teodora Robinson

The Bidirectional Relationship Between Magnesium and Stress

Magnesium, a vital micromineral, plays a leading role in maintaining optimal health, yet it is a deficiency that is prevalent in our contemporary lifestyles. This article delves into the recent literature on the bidirectional relationship between magnesium and stress, exploring the significance of magnesium in combating stress and enhancing overall well-being. We will also explore how a balanced intake of magnesium can be beneficial for busy lifestyles, offering much-needed mental clarity and sustained energy.

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Lifestyle Teodora Robinson Lifestyle Teodora Robinson

Rest, Reflect, Restore

With the end of the year fast approaching, now is the perfect time to check in with where we’re at with our goals so far. Set aside time today to Rest, Reflect & Restore. Step into the new year with clarity around your goals and a renewed sense of direction and purpose. You got this!

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Lifestyle Teodora Robinson Lifestyle Teodora Robinson

Bringing The Flow Into Your Workday

You’re familiar with flow, right? The state you find yourself in when you look up at the time to see you’ve somehow lost 2 hours working on a project. Time has gone by as if in a blink of an eye. Also known as deep-work, flow is essentially the result of taking inspired action in a distraction-free environment. You work almost effortlessly and find yourself able to concentrate for longer periods of time, your mood and energy buzzing as you happily bound towards your goals.

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