Rest, Reflect, Restore

With the end of the year fast approaching, now is the perfect time to check in with where we’re at with our goals so far. Set aside time today to Rest, Reflect & Restore. Step into the new year with clarity around your goals and a renewed sense of direction and purpose. You got this!


The final months of the year can be hectic for most. It’s important to take time out to be present; that means turning off the emails and reconnecting within. Your mind will want to chatter–this is only natural, so gently shift your attention further within until the inner voice fades away.


If you’re an avid planner and have a calendar for your goals, grab this along with your notebook. Look back over the year so far, and reflect on what is it that you have achieved. Have you made headway towards your goals? How do your goals make you feel now? Do you feel out of alignment with what you have set out to accomplish? If so, what changes can you make that ensure that your goals are a true reflection of what you wish to achieve?

It’s completely ok to find yourself wanting to change the direction for the upcoming year. Goals certainly are not set in stone. They are meant to meander along with us on our journey. We create goals to help us reach a particular outcome, but they should never be held up to the detriment of our most authentic desires and wants. If your goals need a shake-up, now is the perfect time to revisit your vision and begin crafting new goals to reflect our new direction.

My personal approach to planning and goal setting is through intention setting. With clear intentions, we then create a series of goals and further supporting strategies to help us get there. Read more about intentions and goals in our article Choosing Possibility over Chaos: How an intention can help you pivot in life and business.


Think of this as your system update. You’ve rested, reflected and downloaded a fresh or new game plan for the coming year ahead. Now, as you hit restore, your realigned software will help you manifest success for the new year. Goals are great and all, but if you are always approaching them from a future-tense mindset, e.g. “when I achieve ABC, then I can have XYZ”, you are making the journey a lot harder and longer for yourself.

To manifest success, you have to embody your successes and goals as if they have already happened. So instead of “when” start with “I am”. Here’s an example: “I am a writer, and I publish valuable and engaging content to my audience weekly.” I am embodying my goal in the present tense. In contrast to: “I will launch my blog when I have written 20 articles.” Can you see the difference?

And look, the above example will be all for nothing if I’m not putting in the work alongside it. Do not forget the importance of consistent and inspired action, and you have yourself the perfect recipe for a successful and aligned remainder of the year.


This content is not intended as medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or health illness. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.

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