Manifestations of a Dysregulated Nervous System

Photographer: Jonas Müller

Image source: Fashion Editorials / Photographer: Jonas Müller

We’ve all been there–feeling that subtle niggle in the neck, an occasional eye twitch, or an unexplained heaviness in the chest. Those restless nights where sleep seems elusive, and even when it graces us, we wake up tired and not quite ourselves. It’s more than just daily stress; it’s the manifestations of a dysregulated nervous system, echoing weeks, months, or even years of hyper-awareness, leaving us stuck in a perpetual fight-or-flight mode.

The modern Stress Dilemma

Amid our modern-day hustle, it’s easy to overlook the chronic stress quietly seeping into our lives. You might not consciously feel overwhelmingly stressed, yet the demands of being a working mum, a dedicated student burning the midnight oil, or an ambitious professional chasing dreams, create a consistent undercurrent of stress that gradually takes a toll on our bodies and minds.

The Birth of the stress response

The roots of our stress response trace back to our evolutionary history–a finely tuned system designed to keep our ancestors safe from tangible threats. Picture the distant past, where a lurking predator triggered a cascade of biochemical reactions. Digestion slowed, breathing became short and shallow, and heart muscles contract, dilating the heart and redirecting blood flow to larger muscles, preparing the body for a life-or-death encounter [1].

Fast forward to today, where the predators are deadlines, responsibilities, and the relentless pace of modern-day life. The same ancient response systems kick in, yet we’re not facing prehistoric predators. Instead, we’re caught in a perpetual loop, battling the daily stresses that seem unending, leaving our bodies and minds in a constant state of overdrive. Until we eventually face burn-out.

So, how do we navigate this turbulence? How do we regain a sense of balance in a world that rarely slows down?

Strategies for Nervous System Regulation:

  1. Mindful Moments: In the chaos of everyday life, carve out moments for mindfulness. Whether it’s a brief meditation session, focused breathing, or a mindful walk, these moments throughout the day allow you to recalibrate and reconnect with the present.

  2. Retreat to your Sanctuary: Create a space, physical or mental, where you can unwind. It could be a cozy reading nook at home, a soothing playlist, or simply a few minutes of solitude while you lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling. Designate it as your sanctuary to escape the constant buzz of daily life.

  3. Nature’s Therapy: Step outside, breathe in the fresh air and immerse yourself in nature. Listen to the morning bird song as you walk in the park, garden, or simply sit under the sky, the natural world has a remarkable ability to soothe a frazzled nervous system.

  4. Write it Out: When your mind is buzzing with a hive of thoughts, be it negative chatter or the endless mental checklist of dinner preparations, the kids’ sports schedule, and that looming 4 PM Zoom call–grab a journal. Pour out all these mental occupants onto paper. The simple act of penning down our bustling thoughts illuminates them, easing anxieties and diffusing emotional triggers that may be attached to them.

  5. Rhythms of Rest: Prioritise sleep and establish rituals that signal your body it’s time to unwind. A consistent sleep schedule, a calming pre-sleep routine, and a comfortable sleep environment contribute to a more restful night. Check out my article on The Role of Restorative Sleep in Fertility for more advice on the importance of sleep in both fertility and overall health.

  6. Honouring Boundaries*: Learn to say no when needed. Set realistic goals, manage your time wisely, and establish boundaries that protect your mental and physical well-being.

*My kryptonite! I’m working on my boundaries little by little each day.

These strategies aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a collection of tools to tailor to your unique journey and preferences. Remember, the path to a calmer nervous system is a personal one, and embracing these strategies is a step towards reclaiming a sense of balance in your life. 

Need more support in regulating your nervous system and managing stress? 

Book a Complimentary Discovery Call.


This content is not intended as medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or health illness. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.

Further reading:

[1] Chu B, Marwaha K, Sanvictores T, et al. Physiology, Stress Reaction. [Updated 2022 Sep 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:

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