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The Journal

Carefully curated to nurture your well-being.

Lifestyle Teodora Robinson Lifestyle Teodora Robinson

Rest, Reflect, Restore

With the end of the year fast approaching, now is the perfect time to check in with where we’re at with our goals so far. Set aside time today to Rest, Reflect & Restore. Step into the new year with clarity around your goals and a renewed sense of direction and purpose. You got this!

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Beauty, Wellness Teodora Robinson Beauty, Wellness Teodora Robinson

5 Botanicals for Glowing Skin

I’ve long been interested in the power of botanicals and their ability to profoundly impact an individual both internally and externally. My first foray into the world of natural beauty was back in the 90s when my dad would make his very own carrot seed face balms. I vividly remember having to take extra care with the amount I was applying, too little and well, you just knew you weren’t getting enough of the good stuff.

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Beauty, Wellness Teodora Robinson Beauty, Wellness Teodora Robinson

Postbiotics in Skincare

The link between gut health and skin health has now become common knowledge. With a big emphasis being placed on pre and probiotics as important elements to a healthy microbiome and in turn healthy and radiant skin. But what’s not so common is the role of postbiotics in skincare. But first, a short biology lesson…

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Wellness Teodora Robinson Wellness Teodora Robinson

The Natural Deodorant Checklist

Before we dive into what ingredients we do want in our deodorant products, let’s first take a look at what ingredient we really don’t want to be lathered on one of our body’s most sensitive areas. Aluminium in itself isn’t a bad guy. The kind we find in antiperspirant deodorants is aluminium chlorohydrate (this stops you from sweating), a common type of aluminium salt. When applied to the underarm, the aluminium salts plug the eccrine sweat pores and forms a sweat protein barrier that binds to the wall of the sweat duct, essentially blocking the pore from producing sweat.

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Wellness Teodora Robinson Wellness Teodora Robinson

Herbs To Support Mental Health

Having run a business now for over 10 years, understanding how my mindset can impact my output is something that I love to investigate and tinker with. That being said, there are many times when I feel the emotional drain of running a business, parenting and just general life and no amount of positive thoughts or attempts at mindfulness help. Instead of turning to the normal (not-so-healthy) vices including stimulants such as caffeine and sugar, depressants such as wine, and addictions such as shopping and binging mindless content online, I started to look into the power of herbs to support mental health. Whether these are through supplementation, tinctures supplied by a naturopath/herbalist, or even herbal teas, using herbs to support you throughout life’s sometimes chaotic journey can help your body find balance.

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Mindset Teodora Robinson Mindset Teodora Robinson

How to cultivate a growth mindset

Your mindset is everything. It is the definitive between being a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty kind of person. Seeing the possibility – the opportunity in situations -symbolises that you are open to more; that you are curious and that you have a growth mindset.

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Lifestyle Teodora Robinson Lifestyle Teodora Robinson

Bringing The Flow Into Your Workday

You’re familiar with flow, right? The state you find yourself in when you look up at the time to see you’ve somehow lost 2 hours working on a project. Time has gone by as if in a blink of an eye. Also known as deep-work, flow is essentially the result of taking inspired action in a distraction-free environment. You work almost effortlessly and find yourself able to concentrate for longer periods of time, your mood and energy buzzing as you happily bound towards your goals.

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