How to cultivate a growth mindset

Your mindset is everything. It is the definitive between being a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty kind of person. Seeing the possibility – the opportunity in situations -symbolises that you are open to more; that you are curious and that you have a growth mindset.

Picture this: you don’t book your dream client. Do you a) feel the initial hit of disappointment, but then seek out the positives in the situation; like now having the ability to invest more energy in that other project: work on your website, launch your new offer, etc? You may even feel assured that this pass is leaving your calendar open for something greater (guilty!).

Or do you b) feel the initial hit of disappointment and linger there? You question why the person didn’t want to work with you, you question yourself, and your abilities. Your mindset is fixated on the past situation, the event where you did not land the job.

It’s ok if you’re sitting here going, “I’ve been B before”… we’ve all been there!

We would obviously all prefer to be an A, to be consistently living from a growth mindset. Well, I’m happy to report that there are things up can do to foster this thinking.

A growth mindset comprises three elements: Curiosity, Creative Process and Clarity.

1) Curiosity: Your secret sauce.

When you are curious, you are open to new ideas, possibilities and experiences. Simply put, curiosity is a strong desire to learn or know something.

As a creative entrepreneur, you are curious daily; without it, you would not be able to run your business successfully. Just think about how much time you spend figuring things out: “Why is this post not getting much engagement?”; “How did she manage to get her program running so quickly?”; “Why does this page keep breaking on my website?”.

Think of curiosity as your secret sauce; it’s the delicious and often undetected ingredient that drives and motivates you to keep moving forward and break free from the “stuck” mentality.

2) Creative Process: Welcome and embrace your process.

Your creative process is integral to your growth. So, how does it exactly support a growth mindset? I need you to look inwards and ask yourself: are you forcing yourself through tasks and projects? Are you always hustling and swimming upstream to accomplish your goals? Or are you working from a state of flow? And does your creative process make space for experimentation; i.e. does it allow you to play and lean into possibilities and new opportunities?

Play is essential to creativity, inspiration and ideation. It also helps you embrace failure by taking away the fear surrounding it. Instead, it enables you to welcome it as an opportunity to learn and grow. If you’re interested in further information on the creative process, check out the article Creating from Flow.

3) Clarity: 20/20 vision for your business.

Clarity comes from a journey of self-discovery and personal development. It is not a quick-fix solution, and it does not happen overnight. Clarity is the direct result of curiosity and experimentation in your creative and business processes. You will not find clarity if you do not seek and ask questions - and if you do not get your hands dirty!

With clarity comes greater confidence in accepting possibilities and opportunities that align with your personal and business values and intentions. Clarity gives you a clear understanding of your endpoint, your big-picture vision and your underlying purpose, which all steer you towards embracing change and growth as opportunities arise.


This content is not intended as medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or health illness. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.

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