5 Botanicals for Glowing Skin

I’ve long been interested in the power of botanicals and their ability to profoundly impact an individual both internally and externally. My first foray into the world of natural beauty was back in the 90s when my dad would make his very own carrot seed face balms. I vividly remember having to take extra care with the amount I was applying, too little and well, you just knew you weren’t getting enough of the good stuff. Still, too much and you would literally transform into an Oompa-Loompa before your very eyes! That little homemade beauty balm always made my skin feel soft and luminescent - so the risk was worth the reward, always. Whether you wish to create your own clean skincare tinctures at home or want to make more informed choices as a consumer, this list of 5 botanicals for glowing skin will help get you started on your journey.

Daucus carota (Carrot Seed Oil)

Given my history, I just had to start here. Also known as the Wild Carrot, Carrot Seed Essential Oil is obtained from infusing vegetable oil with macerated Wild Carrot or Carrot root while straining it and is also commonly distilled from the seeds. Traditionally, Carrot Seed Oil was used to soothe inflammation and ease digestion. It has also been used to create the “woody” scent in perfumes.

When it comes to the skin, Carrot Seed Oil is a protective agent that stimulates collagen production and the growth of new tissue and skin. The antioxidant properties of Carrot Seed Oil can repair damage caused by free radicals and environmental stress. Carrot Seed Oil can provide relief to skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and acne by helping to fight inflammation as it’s loaded with β-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A.

Hamamelis (WITCH HAZEL)

Another staple from my childhood apothecary, Witch Hazel has been used for centuries to cleanse the skin. Hamamelis is a tree-like plant indigenous to North America and parts of Asia and is commonly sold as Witch Hazel water which is distilled Witch Hazel. Witch Hazel contains chemicals known as tannins, which when applied directly to the skin can help reduce inflammation, tighten pores, fight bacteria and control oil production. These various properties make Witch Hazel the perfect toner to keep skin tone looking even, balance skin pH, reduce pores and keep skin glowing.

Hibiscus rosa-sinenis (hibiscus)

Unlike the previous two botanicals, Hibiscus is to be administered orally and is high in antioxidants, vitamin C and β-carotene. Hibiscus helps with collagen production, reduces inflammation, cell nourishment and differentiation, and the growth and development of keratin and epithelium (a type of body tissue that forms and covers all the internal and external surfaces of your body and is a major tissue in glands). The Beta carotene in Hibiscus converts to vitamin A, which as we all know is considered the holy grail in skin health and helps with symptoms of ageing, prevents breakouts and hydrates skin giving it a radiant glow.

Additionally, it contains malic and citric acid, AHAs which when applied topically, help gently exfoliate and brighten the skin. AHAs can also help reduce hyperpigmentation and increase skin clarity.

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Lavender is an evergreen plant that blooms stunning purple flowers with that iconic scent we all know and love. Known for its healing, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Lavender oil is often used to help clear acne, and soothe dry skin and eczema. The antioxidants in Lavender nourish skin by scavenging the free radicals that cause the skin to look dull and dehydrated, removing dead skin cells which encourage new skin cells to produce to form a strong healthy barrier against environmental pollutants.

Products that contain Lavender help to neutralise the skin, control dryness and improve circulation by adding much-needed oxygen to the skin. This improved circulation helps boost skin elasticity leaving skin appearing fuller and tighter.


Sage is an excellent herb for assisting oily or dry skin to regulate sebum production. This rich herb is loaded with calcium and vitamin A, both needed for daily cell regeneration. Sage has also been known to help improve the appearance of veins and broken capillaries by reducing redness and restricting capillaries.

Sage consists of Ursolic acid, a compound known to help treat acne and eczema, and Carnosic acid, which helps protect the skin from overexposure to UVA and UVB rays, as well as free radicals, which can cause skin ageing.

As with any product or ingredient we apply, it’s important to monitor our skin. If you notice any undesirable reaction, note the ingredients and be aware to avoid any further skin and beauty products. There are many contributing factors to skin sensitivity, from our hormones and menstrual cycle, environmental stressors, food sensitivities, barrier damage to the skin, and of course, the products we use. Try to be mindful and be kind to your skin - always x


This content is not intended as medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or health illness. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.

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