The Journal

Carefully curated to nurture your well-being.

Wellness Teodora Robinson Wellness Teodora Robinson

Herbs To Support Mental Health

Having run a business now for over 10 years, understanding how my mindset can impact my output is something that I love to investigate and tinker with. That being said, there are many times when I feel the emotional drain of running a business, parenting and just general life and no amount of positive thoughts or attempts at mindfulness help. Instead of turning to the normal (not-so-healthy) vices including stimulants such as caffeine and sugar, depressants such as wine, and addictions such as shopping and binging mindless content online, I started to look into the power of herbs to support mental health. Whether these are through supplementation, tinctures supplied by a naturopath/herbalist, or even herbal teas, using herbs to support you throughout life’s sometimes chaotic journey can help your body find balance.

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