The Art of Journaling

Throughout my entire life, I have maintained a journaling practice. Whether you term it a journal, diary, morning pages, or a brain dump, the practice of transcribing the clamour within your mind first thing in the morning can be transformative. Rest assured, there is no need to be a master wordsmith to experience the numerous advantages of daily journaling. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of this practice:

Brain State & Creativity

As poet Theodore Roethke once said, “ A mind too active is no mind at all.” Establishing a morning ritual of straight from bed to page can significantly benefit cognitive state throughout the day. In the morning, your brain is in a relaxed state known as the Theta state [1], characterised by brain frequencies of 4-7 Hz, as opposed to the waking Alpha state, which ranges from 8-12 Hz. The Theta state serves as a gateway to the subconscious mind, where the line between the conscious and subconscious becomes blurred. By journalling in this state, you tap into your creative mind, and this exchange is documented on the pages beneath your fingertips.

Honest self-expression

Writing in a journal requires honesty and openness, and it can be confronting. It’s important to remember that these words are not meant for an audience; it is a private dialogue with yourself. The practice of journaling allows you to silence the inner critic and ego, and expressing negativity of self-doubt on paper can be a therapeutic way to defuse its power.

Embrace imperfection

Not all journal entries will be profound insights into your psyche, many will in fact, seem a little repetitive and filled with everyday complaints. This is ok! The primary goal is to clear your mind of distractions and face the day with clarity and intent. Anything written on paper tens to lose its grip on your mind, which is the ultimate objective.

Creativity & intuition

The true magic of journaling lies in the space between the words. When you write without overthinking, your inner voice becomes more pronounced. Repeatedly channelling your thoughts through journaling creates new neural pathways in your brain, nurturing and enhancing your creative and intuitive abilities.

Wondering how much you should write? It takes a while to warm up; I aim for at least two pages. The first page is generally me droning on about some mundane grievance, and it’s generally repetitive and bland. If you’re struggling to think of anything to write, then write that you can’t think of anything to write. Write through the block. Do this every day if you need to; through repetition and practice, you are transforming your journaling into a habit. You are telling your ego that you are DOING THIS. Slowly your ego will step aside and let your inner voice take the reins.


This content is not intended as medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or health illness. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.

Further reading:

[1] (n.d.). Brain Wave frequencies. Neuro Health.

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