Rediscovering Hope: My Journey Through Infertility and the Power of Personalised Fertility Care

A Tale as Common as 2/10

Did you know that 20% of couples are involuntarily childless and often labelled as “infertile”? This stark reality is what led me to naturopathy nearly a decade ago during my own struggles postpartum and while trying to conceive my second child. After years of trying and enduring three miscarriages, I fell within that umbrella term of infertility. It was one of the most painful periods of my life—a deep yearning for something that had come so easily the first time around. I’ve shared this before, but my daughter was an unplanned pregnancy at age 24. Despite doctors telling me that my retroverted uterus would make it difficult to conceive, I took that surprise as a sign it was meant to be and embraced it. My mentality was, "If not now, it may never happen." Little did I know, those words would come to haunt me years later as we tried to conceive our second child.

MTHFR Genetic Testing: The Future of Fertility Care

Last month, I attended a conference hosted by MTHFR Australia, a renowned functional medicine clinic led by Caroline Ledowsky. The weekend was packed with insights on genetics, preconception, fertility, and miscarriage prevention. What I thought I knew about fertility was completely upended, leaving me with more questions than answers but with a renewed passion to ensure my practice remains at the forefront of fertility care. By the end of each day, my brain was pulsating from all the new knowledge—there was so much to absorb!

The most significant takeaway for me was the blatant lack of personalisation in preconception care and fertility treatments. The cookie-cutter advice to start taking a generic prenatal vitamin and then being sent on your way isn’t good enough. We now understand the impact of improper nutritional supplementation on women trying to conceive or who are already pregnant. Naivety and complacency in the medical profession can no longer be accepted, especially as more and more women struggle with fertility. Being told it’s just a numbers game and to “try again next month” after multiple losses isn’t good enough.

While society has made significant advances in women’s rights—allowing women to build their careers before starting families—this shift has also led many to begin their fertility journey later in life. It’s not uncommon for women to start trying in their mid-30s. Unfortunately, the discourse often pushes them straight to IVF. We’ve been conditioned to believe that conceiving in your mid to late 30s is nearly impossible, and after a few failed attempts, women are often labelled with “unexplained infertility.” This term essentially means, “We don’t know because we haven’t investigated thoroughly.” Don’t get me wrong—IVF is an incredible advancement and has given the miracle of life to countless couples. However, it shouldn’t be the first line of treatment. We must educate and empower women (and men) on the importance of lifestyle and nutritional measures to optimise their chances of a successful pregnancy. This may include genetic and functional testing to identify vulnerabilities and tailor their health plans accordingly.

My Commitment as a Practitioner

I understand firsthand how sensitive this topic is, and I’m committed to offering a practice that is both compassionate and effective. As I continue to expand my clinical knowledge and tools, I plan to introduce programs that cover the entire spectrum of preconception, fertility, and postpartum care. My mission is to make this knowledge and service accessible to everyone, ensuring that these programs are both affordable and available to all. 

Stay tuned for more updates as I work toward this goal. Together, we can create a more informed, empowered approach to fertility care.


Natural Remedies For Increasing Milk Supply